Campground Rules
- All laws and bylaws of Canada, the Province of Ontario, and North Algoma Township apply to visitors to Raven’s Knoll.
- There are only two bathrooms, which are nominally “Gods” and “Goddesses” sides and non-binary people can use either or both. There are will be no policing of bathrooms by anyone, and people need to feel safe in their chosen bathroom. If you have any concerns about bathroom usage, please see staff.
- Parents are responsible for their children (under the age of 18) at all times.
- Please be advised that the river is public. There is no nudity but people can be topless if they wish. Just be aware that on occasion boats may pass by and photographs have been taken in the past. You can be skyclad at the Pond.
- Pets are welcome at Raven’s Knoll. They must be under control (leashed), not aggressive and well taken care of at all times. Please be careful of heat stroke in pets. Pets can go into Raven’s Knoll trailers and buildings (except the YAG, of course), and can swim at the beach as long as they don’t disturb others. (Pet policy here).
- Raven’s Knoll is home to sacred gardens, art, ritual spaces, installations, etc. Please do not disturb any area. Should you wish to create, establish or install any new sacred space/thing, please contact the stewards of Raven’s Knoll prior to doing so.
- No aggressive, sexually aggressive or inappropriate behaviour will be tolerated. See sexual harassment policy here.
- Respect yourself and others. Do not offend the Gods and Goddesses or spirits of the land.
- The area over by the fence at the kids camp is the quiet camping zone, and the quiet time is at 10 p.m. Some events may be louder, have amplified music or drumming, or late night activities. Check with staff if you are looking for quiet or less quiet areas. We ask all campers to be considerate of other campers and to comply with staff requests.
- No underage use of alcohol or cannabis is permitted. The legal age in Ontario is 19. See cannabis policy here.
- No child under age 12 may be left unattended near ANY body of water on the site. Children may utilize the beach, but MUST be supervised by an adult. The swimming area is not supervised and swimmers swim at their own risk. There is no swimming in the sacred well.
- It is also not permitted to photograph or video anyone, including people in the background, without their prior consent; this includes rituals and group shots. Please be advised that offenders will have the video or photo(s) erased and may be asked to leave without refund.
- It is not permitted to dig or create any additional fire pits or to scavenge fire wood from Raven’s Knoll property. Wood is available for purchase at the registration office for cooking and camping purposes. Firewood from outside the immediate vicinity is not permitted on-site. There is no fire in treed areas at all.
- There is no bathing, washing of clothes or dishes, etc. in the river or in the bathrooms.
- Smoking and vaping (of any kind) is strictly forbidden in all Raven’s Knoll trailers and buildings. It is permitted to smoke cigarettes elsewhere on the site provided that you dispose of your cigarette butts in an environmentally friendly way. (Use the Butt Cans provided). For some events, smoke-free areas may be extended.
- Do not drive around the campsite at night, and stay on the roads at all times, day or night, please. There are fire pits and other potential driving hazards that may cause damage to your vehicles or the campgrounds.
- Anyone putting the safety or well-being of others at risk, creating a hazard to the site or creating a situation that could have a potentially hazardous outcome will be asked to leave Raven’s Knoll without refund. This is private land; the stewards of the land have the right to enforce these rules.